赤西仁くんがJodie Fosterにインタビューをした英語のトランスクリプト、Jin's Interview with Jodie Fosterの続きです。あの後、何回か聴いていたら、間違いや抜けを発見しました
今回は、Jodieの、You just need to take your cloth off when it's so hot. のところが、はっきりわからなかったので、どなたか聴き取れた方、いらっしゃいましたら教えてください!英語は時間を空けて聴くと、なぜか「あ!」って聴き取れたりすることもあるので、また何か気づいたら直しますね!
Jin: Do you have any advice for me to improve my acting?
Jodie: I think your acting is just fine.
Jin: You started acting from 3 years old.
Jodie: Yes.
Jin: Wow.
Jodie: I started when I was 3, and doing commercials and television, and I did my first film I think at 6 years old. 6 or so. What about you? When did you start?
Jin: 14.
Jodie: 14?
Jin: Yes.
Jodie: How old are you now?
Jin: 24.
Jodie: 24? Wow. Ten years.
Jin: Yeah. (laugh)
Jin: I...I'd like to take on Hollywood movie some time...so I want to be like that.
Jodie: How did you learn English? Here?
Jin: No. Like, I went to L.A. just about 6 months.
Jodie: Wow.
Jin: To learn English.
Jodie: You speak English very well.
Jin: Thanks.
Jin: I want to be a...like, cool man.
Jodie: Uh, huh.
Jin: So, what do you think "the cool" for men?
Jodie: I think men with a sense of humor. Men are funny.
Jin: Funny?
Jodie: I don't know. That can...I just can think that's great. Guys with humors are great.
Jin: Like me?
Jodie: Yeah, like you.
Jin: I'm sweating.
Jodie: You just...you need to wear clothes that aren't so hot!
Jin: OK.
Jodie: Next time, you come in a T-shirt.
Jin: What do you think of Japanese guys?
Jodie: Seems just great. (laugh) You are representing them well.
Jin: Thanks.
Jin: Which was the hardest to shoot? Which scene was the hardest to shoot?
Jodie: The hardest scene was definitely the underwater, very physical underwater scenes, even though they were shot in a tank, because it had to be a storm, and you know, and lots of rain, wind, waves, and all that kind of stuff at night. It was still winter. So It was cold. (laugh)
Jodie: OK. Good.
Jin: We are running out of time.
Jodie: Thank you so much.
Jin: Thank you so much.
Jodie: That was great. Thank you for the gifts.
Jin: Nice meeting you.
Jodie: And good luck to you.
Jin: Thanks. Take care.
Jodie: Watch out. Thank you so much.
Jin: Thanks.
Jodie: Bye.