Aging naturally-日本の働く女性たちへ
complexity of plants
plant chemicals work in more natural way than chemical drugs
about myself:
botanical background, childhood, loved plants, degree-> medical school
many different cultures and countries--Japan at 17 years old, visited 60(?) times
Integrative Medicine
--based on the idea that human body heals itself, natural power
life styles, choices we make-> health
US--medical system collapsed, need to change medicine first->
and then health care reform
same in Japan--due to economic costs
US--last 20 yrs, women--main players, leaders, buyers of books on health
women are open to new ideas, influence husbands and children--eat better
on Saturday, visited Ise Jungu
Mie--Mie Univ.--Integrative Medicine, collaborates with Suzuka Univ. and Arizona Univ.
美し国 Umashi Kuni--delicious and beautiful
*reflection of health,
e.g.) birds--have good genes, well-nourished
*relationship with yrself, love yourself + be healthy
developing health-> beauty follows, beauty not as a goal
hadn't thought about beauty until I started working with Origins
my book "Healthy Aging"
<-> anti-aging--wrong concept
aging is a natural process, natural low of universe
*foods, unique diet
*maintain physical activities throughout life
community activity, old people are living values
<-> USA--isolated, nursing homes
positive aspects of aging
*gain wisdom as we get older, not automatic, though
*get a balance
*brain--some functions increase
focus on remaining healthy
you don't have to worry about aging, losing attractiveness
not watching TV so much, "TV fast"
find inner peace and balance, beautiful and terrible
Living in US--when I grew up, felt not part in my culture
Japan--my past life?
President Obama--a new American, half white, unique background, different kind of person
I'm happy, so far, he's doing over right things
My mother--passed away several yrs ago at 93
visited Okinawa at 89 yrs old
laugh a lot, sense of humor, beautiful--ask interpreter Takaoka-san, she met my mother
specific tactics
proper diet, not going on a diet, eating right,
fast food, refined and manufactured food--not good
I grow Japanese vegetables in my garden
dishes--Mediterranean + Japanese
Japan--advantage, quality vegetables
before--we used to have meals twice a day with family, cooked from scratch,
eat together -> changed today
suggestion: 1 dish, very simple, fast and easy to cook from fresh ingredients
cooking doesn't take so much time
vegetables--plants are powerful, much stronger <-> image--weak
to shine from within
diagnose my clients--based on intuition
intuition--learning from within, inner teaching
many people don't listen to intuition, need to learn to trust intuition
be quiet--intuition is a "still, small voice"
pay attention to how you feel, sit down, deep breathing
*have 1 corner/space at home--a favorite item, comfy chair, sofa...
*in nature--e.g.) Meiji Jingu, a place with lots of trees in central Tokyo
intuition and beauty come from within
intuition bubbles up from unconscious
be open to unconscious, try to remember dreams
you meet with a person and you feel comfortable--unconscious, intuition tells you
what I teach--listen to intuition <-> medical school--objective
healthy aging
Aging is like a failure?
No. aging is something that we can't change, something gets better
Why are old trees so powerful?
Japan- women fresh as fish <-> Europe, US, wine, gets better as it gets older
people are so obsessed with anti-aging more than ever
do physical activities, such as walking--our bodies are made to move
develop methods to protect our bodies and minds from stress
stress-> hormones-> toxic
*breathing, meditation
key--spend more time with those who have good habits, much easier than do on your own,
we reinforce each other
tips to balance
email, cell phones, PC--try to set limits, "fast" on these
this is really challenging today, my Arizona home--no cell phone service
future plan
I would like to...
be reborn as a tree (laugh)
change health care--it's evitable, has to be changed, health care system is not sustainable
learn to live with greater harmony with nature
there's no stress-free life, it doesn't happen
a female Dr. realized her dream to work in Kenya
95 % of the patients, esp. women--stress-related diseases such as ulcers, headaches, "katakori" (laugh)
yoga etc.--neutralize stress
you should demand health care system and medicine that you should have
you have power as consumers
no complete culture in terms of health care
e.g.) Latin America--using plants-good, but economically not good
Denmark, Norway--good health care system
I have a bowl of "macha" for breakfast
morning--best for writing, answering emails
turn off PC when work is done